Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: AC problem on 98 Jeep Laredo, jeep laredo, condenser dryer

My air conditioner recently stopped working so I had it checked out. Seem like I need a new condenser & dryer which will cost me over $1000 Cad with tax, recharge the system & labor. A second shop told me that I could "get away" with just changing the condensor, vacumm the system for all humidity and recharge since the car is only 6 years old and the dryer should be ok. This would save me about $ you think this would work. Let me know. Thanks

IF the system has NOT been without freon in it for more than a few days, You can most likely get away without replacing the drier. What the drier does is remove moisture from the A/C system so that it will not freeze up.

You can usually get away with it, But I do NOT recommend it.