Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: AC help, electronic leak detector, vacuum pump

I have a 93 Jeep GrndCherokee 8 cyl. I have had it checked for leaks 2 years ago and found none but yet i still lost gas. I had it recharged last summer and it worked fine. I now started to get warm outside and the ac does not get cool at all. I recharged it myself and the gauge claims I have enough in it but it still blows hot air. HELP me keep a cool head...

Recharge procedure:

1. discharge any remaining freon from the system.

2. Evacuate the system using a vacuum pump.

3. Add 1 can of freon to the system.

4. check for leaks using an electronic leak detector.

5. If no leaks found, recharge with specified amount of freon per label instructions on the hood or fan blower sticker.
