Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1989 bmw 325 I, foggy windows, core leak

I have a 1989 bmw 325 I . The windows get foggy and sticky after i wash the inside windows after 2 days. and the air smells sweet. I removed the console and there was no residue of coolant leaking in the heater core area. what else can cause the sweet odor and the foggy windows. would the heater core just leak a little and then the smell would be there thru evaporation?. How can i check if it is a heater core do I remove it and have it presure checked for leaks? and can I buy a used one at a salvage bone yard if it leaking?

Definately sounds like a heater core leak, As you have the CLASSIC symptoms of one.

NO, DO NOT buy one from a junk yard. You have no idea how long the heater core has been sitting in the junk yard and may look OK from the outside but be loaded with crud on the inside. Once you install it and get HOT pressurized coolant flowing thru it, You have a 50/50 chance of it NOT leaking and a worse chance of it lasting very long before it does leak.

