Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: flushing, vacuum pump, r 134a

can you please give me the process for flushing and recharging an ac unint ? what is used to flush the unit .

First I need to know WHY you need to flush and recharge the system ?.

Second, You will need this equipment and supplies in order to make a proper professional repair.:

1. An A/C vacuum pump and a refrigerant (freon) can adapter.

2. A set of manifold gages (A/C gages)

3. A leak detector.

4. The correct type of refrigerant (freon) oil.

5. The correct type of refrigerant (freon).

6. The vehicle manufacturers EXACT amount of required
  refrigerant oil to put in the system.

7. The vehicle manufacturers EXACT amount of required
  refrigerant to put in the system.

8. The technical skills to perform the task and the SAFETY
  pre-cautions to follow.

9. The correct manufacturers recommended type of flushing

10. If your vehicle used the old R-12 refrigerant you will
  have to convert your system over to the new R-134a
  refrigerant system.

Without all of the above your out of luck as you will not be able to do the repair professionally and properly.
