Auto body repair & detailing: painting motorcycle tank


I have a 1999 VStar1100 motorcycle.  I had a hole wearing though in a part of the gas tank paint which had a fiberglass type material (about 2 to 3 inches thick)between the metal and the paint where the bike apparently had been damaged and repaired earlier.  After cutting away the area that had bubbled up as water had gotten to it, it left an area about 4 inches around to be filled.  Since there is no way I can afford a professional repair or a new tank-I filled the area with jbweld instant weld.
My question is in how to sand this down properly, and then what type of paint to use so that I ensure that the paint stays sealed in the future.


Hi Brian!....Although I am very familiar with jbweld, I have never used it as a filler when doing any type of Autobody repair. My concern, was how it would accept any type of plastic Autobody filler. I found a website that provides such information.( I will list the link below). According to the site, jbweld acts the same as metal once fully cured. That being the case, there should be no problem adding a plastic filler to it. In regards to continuing your repair, my advice would be to grind the jbweld down to 1/8 inch just below the level of the surrounding metal. A 36-40 grit grinding disc will do this very effectively. Next step, is to skim coat with Autobody filler, the complete jbweld area, as well as overlapping onto the existing metal by about 1-2 inches in one application. (Please make sure, you purchase a high quality Autobody filler.) That way, you will be able to sand the filler into a smooth "Featheredge" transition. Once you are satisfied with your bodywork, prime the area with a high quality Primer-Surfacer as well. As for paint, I would recommend a Base Coat/Clear Coat system......If I have missed anything, or you have any other questions, please feel free to drop me another line anytime....Thanks....Dave

Here is the link: