Auto body repair & detailing: leather cleaner, fake leather, little at a time

I am looking for a good leather cleaner.  We have a 2006 minivan and the seats need cleaned bad, but not sure what to use.  Any suggestions?  Also should I use a brush?  Thanks

WOW! This is tough because I can't see the leather and pictures usually don't work well. I also don't know if it is leather, fake leather or vinyl. Real leather will not have a pattern to it because nature doesn't have patterns.

I have never found a leather cleaner that works when the seats are really dirty. I would use diluted all-purpose cleaner. Lightly spray on an out of the way area and with a towel wipe it off. If you get dirt off and no color then proceed to do the seat a little at a time. Let it dry thoroughly and follow up with a conditioner.