Auto body repair & detailing: Sub-frame, chevrolet model, repair job

I'm asking you cause you have experience with welding and I'm sure that my car will need it.

TERRIBLE news, my subframe has COMPLETELY dropped (pretty much Completely undrivable, engine and transmission work however) Lucky I didn't crash after losing the steering though.  I really just need a vague estimate (a typical range, I know it's high :(, but a number does help)of how much would it run me to get it fixed again.  My warranty won't cover cause it's apart of the structural framework, and it really sucks that they won't cover it cause it practically fell apart!! (one of the bolts were missing, the other was loose and believed that it's either completely gone or broken, or hanging literally by a thread)Mechanics have told me that it WILL need to be welded.  Unfortunately, It's coming out of my pockets, but I NEED my car!!

Year: 2000
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Impala

If you know any recalls on this, PLEASE let me know!!  It's ridiculous for me or anyone to go through this!!!

Stan, Just a few questions about this car .I will try to help you. Is it the body that has the problem  or the sub frame? Are the mounting bolts area rusted or broken metal? If sub frame is the problem it can be replaced with a good used one,problem solved. If the body support area is weakened by rust and it tore apart  this is a major repair job, should be done by an experienced auto collision welding certified technician. IHTHY Bill