Auto body repair & detailing: Hood alignment, loose bolts, hinges

The hood on my 75 Eldorado flew open and wrecked the hinges. I had them rebuilt but now the hood doesn't seem to line up one side. I hope the steel on the hinges isn't bent. Do you think the hood itself could be warped now? Any suggestions to align it. It did align very well before the accident. Thanks

Hi John, It is difficult to tell you how to adjust the hood without seeing it.... loosen the hinge to hood bolts leaving one bolt on one side snug but not tight,Do the same for the other side.You should have two really loose bolts and two snug ones. Now apply pressure by pushing on the hood in the direction to even up the gaps. You may see the hood move on the hinge,,Go ahead and tighten the bolts and slowly set hood down to check alignment.. I hope this helps somewhat as it is a hit and miss with adjusting panels ;;The key is patience, a helper with you is also a good idea..If you are finding that it is still very difficult to adjust ask a autobody mechanic if he may be able to give you a hand. Hope this helps .....Kim