Auto body repair & detailing: rust on new (ish) Honda CRV, 2007 honda crv, touch up paint

Hi - not sure if you can help but I hope you don't mind me trying!  I'm in England and have a 2007 Honda CRV - today I noticed two stone sized 'dents' on the bumper. My attention was drawn to these dents because of the colour - they are orange (noticeable on a black car!) and they appear to have rusted - I only washed the car a couple of weeks ago (sounds awful but it's just been non-stop rain here) and I didn't notice the rust then so I think the rusting may have taken place in a very short period of time.  Is this normal or does it indicate an underlying problem with the car's paintwork? Kind regards, Hales.

Hi Hales,

If I'm not mistaken the bumpers on a CRV are a type of plastic. It may be the color of the plastic underneath or some other type of contamination on the bumper. Probably what you should do is either take it to a local body repair shop or by some touch-up paint. Good luck with it.