Auto body repair & detailing: clear coat on acyrlic, acrylic enamel, dupont nason

I recently painted a camaro and was woundering if I can spray clear on it .I used dupont nason acyrlic enamelon it it shines really good ,but was wanting to add some graphics and then clear it.thanks for any help you can offer.Ralph

Hi Ralph,

If you used a Hardener in the paint then, Yes. If not then, No. Since Acrylic Enamel will typically dry with or without hardener you will probably need to look at your cans of additives that you used to check and see. If you try and spray clear-coat on acrylic enamel that has no hardener the clear will wrinkle the paint finish up.

If you did use hardener and you decide to clear-coat you will need to scuff sand the finish with 1200 grit if the finish has been applied for over 7 days. Remember to soak you sand paper for 20-30 minutes before you begin to sand. I hope this helps.