Auto body repair & detailing: mud guards breaking away, mud guards, mudguard

Hi, I have a 2007 Honda civic and we had a bad snow storm here in Ohio over the weekend.  Because of all the heavy snow, my mudguard broke away from the back bumper.  It took a peice of the fiberglass off that goes around the bolt it (the mudguard) was screwed onto. Do I have to replace the entire bumper? or can the piece of fiberglass be reformed into it's previous shape. Curious. I don't want to turn this into my insurace for such a minior thing.

Take it to a body shop or check with your local body shop supply store. They make some pretty good plastic repair materials these days. It should be repairable as long as all the pieces are there.
By the way, my birth name is Kerry, they started calling me Mike, my middle name, in third grade, about 50 years ago.