Auto body repair & detailing: Front bumper cover removal, gmc sierra, dam bill

QUESTION: How do you remove a front bumper cover from a 2003 GMC Sierra 1500?  I plan to replace it with a new one.

ANSWER: The upper bumper cover, over top of the face bar, or the lower air dam? Bill

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QUESTION: It is the lower air dam

There are about a dozen clips that must be removed. They have a button on top about the size of a quarter- pull it straight up to release it- it needs to come out about a half inch. Then, with some careful prying, the clip will release. It won't come easy, and will pop like crazy. It's a real pain, especially if the bumper is on the truck. To install, the primary part of the clip must be firmly pushed into the plastic retainer in the steel bumper, and then the center pin pushed back down to lock it in. It will all make perfect sense once you have the aid dam off, if it seems a little greek right now. Bill