Auto body repair & detailing: Whos fault, luck mark, insurance claim

QUESTION: My boat was repaired through an insurance claim at a marina and the repairs were substandard. I felt that the boat should not have been fixed at this marina in the first place and I would have rather had fixed it somewhere else. Did I implicitly authorize these repairs or is it the appraisers/adjusters fault.


My only advice is to check your policy. With auto any time you use the preferred repair facility of the insurer they will guarantee your satisfaction. I am not an expert in this area however. Make sure you give the marina a chance to make it right first before you contact the insurance company. Good Luck- Mark

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This was not a preferred repair facility. The boat was initially fixed at one marina and then sunk. The boat was fixed a second time and now the insurance co. is suing the appariser. Now the blame is pointed at the appraiser for sending the boat to the first marina. When there is a problem who authorized the repair? The insured? The appraiser? The adjuster? Thank You in advance.


The contract is ultimately between you and the repairer. My assumption is that you must have signed some sort of repair order authorizing them to do the repairs? Are you getting cooperation from the insurance company? Was the appraiser an independent hired by the insurance company or their own representative? If someone other than yourself authorized the repairs something is fishy here. Only you as the owner have the right to authorize repairs. Check the laws in your state but you should have had the right to have the vessel repaired at the marina of your choice. Mark