Auto body repair & detailing: door jammed, side fender, gmc sierra

while I was taking my car off the ramps after a oil change I was pushing it and jumped in and accedently caught my driver side door on a tree (ha ha)while backing down.
I have a 2004 gmc sierra truck,the alignment is off alittle lower the gap betwwen the door and side fender has gotten smaller,can I fix this myself??? the hinges are welded on also,can Ieither get a crowbar and fix it or do I have to take it to a collision shop????


Sorry about the misfortune. I am afraid that some damage may have been done to the hinge pillar. This may require the assistance of a body shop or some sort of hydraulic action to pull the hinge pillar back into shape, new hinges or even some other more involved repair. I can't advise you to drive the vehicle with the door open even partially but many times I have been presented with a vehicle with a similar condition at the shop. Have it looked at and see what they think. Good Luck- Mark