Auto body repair & detailing: Recently repaired body, diminished value claim, side doors

I was recently in an accident. The body shop had my car for 6 weeks and put in 41 hours. The frame had to be straightened and both passenger side doors had to be replaced. When the back door is closed, there is a gap between the door and the frame large enough for me to stick my fingers in.  Air is getting in, and it is causing a wistling noise.  Is this something to be expected or should i return it to the shop to be fixed?

Hello Danielle! This situation is NOT normal, return this car to the body shop, and demand it be fixed correctly. In 6 weeks, they should have been able to fix it correctly. Heck, they should have  been able to build a whole car in 6 weeks. If they won't help, complain to your insurance company, and see if they will help get the point across. If they won't help, ask them how to apply for a diminished value claim. That will usually light a fire under the insurance company's ass. Bill