Auto body repair & detailing: Condensation!, damp weather, repair job

I have a 91 Honda Accord.Right rear passenger
side I know has been repaired,a phenomenal repair
job was done!I bought the car a few months bsck,
they never said it had been hit,but trust me,I know it has!The trunck area,the top of the trunck
lid,in damp weather,gets a lot of condensation
build up!Can you tell me what is happening,and how to resolve this condensation problem?I have
owned many Hondas,I don't recall ever having this
problem! Please HELP!! Thank you. Philip Moorman

Hello Philip,
 You may have a trunk leak around the weatherstrip, or possible have something stuck in the weatherstrip, like a leaf, seed, or small rock.  Or there may be a container of liquid in the trunk that is not sealed properly.  Check these and maybe your problem may go away.
Thank you,
Mike and Lisa