Auto Glass: 95 Camry CsX power window problem, phillips head screws, screw caps

Hi Ben,
I just replaced the relay for my power windows and they work again - almost -  fine. The only one that doesn't is the driver side (auto) control. This tells me that the switch is broken as all the other controls work. Before it all failed I had to pull up a touch harder than usual on that switch to get the window to close. Am I right? Is it easy to fix / replace? I am in Australia, but I reckon the basics are the same in USA as here with any commonsense adjustments.
Appreciate your help

Hello Tony,

Based on what little information I have to go on, there are too many possible problems to say for sure, but since you are already leaning toward the switch, let's start with that.  To replace the switch you must remove the door panel.  Here is a rough outline of the procedures you should follow.

1.  Remove the two plastic pins at the back edge of the door panel.  Press the center of the pin in and then remove the pin assembly.

2.  Remove the triangular shaped piece opposite the side-view mirror.  It has three tabs which slide into three slots in the door frame.  Slide a putty knife with a about a one inch blade behind the piece and pry the tabs out of the slots starting at the top of the triangle.

3.  Remove the two round plastic screw "caps" on the front edge of the panel.  The putty knife will work well here too.  Then remove the two phillips-head screws.

3.  Remove the "bezel" from around the door handle.  This is tricky if you have never done it.  The back edge of the bezel must come off first.  You need to pry "out" on the top back edge (use your same putty knife as step 2) and at the same time use a small flat blade screw driver to pry "up" between the bezel and the top of the door handle.  Once the top corner releases, then you go to the bottom back corner of the bezel and pry "out" with the putty knife while using your small flat blade screw driver to pry "down" between the bezel and the bottom of the door handle.  Once the the two back corners of the bezel are free, the bezel will come off easily.

4.  Remove the two phillips-head screws located in the holes in the armrest.  If your Camry has a small tweeter speaker at the front of the armrest, the cover is easily pried off and a third screw is located behind the cover.

5.  There are several plastic fasteners around the perimeter of the door panel.  These fasteners pop into holes in the door.  To release the fasteners, slide the putty knife under the door panel a few inches behind the front corner.  Slide the putty knife forward until the blade of the knife contacts the corner fastener.  Then life "up" to pop the first fastener from its hole.  Proceed back across the bottom of the door panel in the same manner and then up the sides of the door panel.

6.  When all the panel fasteners have been released you can lift the entire panel straight up to remove the top edge of the panel (black weatherstripping) from its channel at the top of the door.  Once the panel is loose, you must disconnect the electrical wires from the switch by depressing the small locking tab and pulling the connector out of the switch.  

7.  Now turn the panel over and you will see three small phillips-head screws which hold the switch to the under-side of the door panel.  

The price of a new switch from Toyota is very high.  If you have a salvage yard nearby, that would be much more reasonable.

Let me know how else I can help.

Ben ... the power window guy