Auto Parts: Delta Mark 10 CD Ignition Module, cd ignition, supply house

I have a Delta CD ignition module on my 72 Chev. PU but it has stopped working. I have found (on line) a schematic for the beast but it doesn't tell me what the type of Transistors or SCR are and I think one or both of them are bad. Do you have any idea what they are?

    I have to admit, I never heard of this one.  It sounds like you are thinking of repairing the unit yourself.  If it is encapsulated, I would forget about that and buy a new one from Crane or Per-Lux (somebody big who isn't likely to go out of business).  If the unit isn't encapsulated, then all of the electronic components should have identifying numbers on them, and a good on-line electronics supply house should be able to supply replacements.