Auto Parts: put transmission fix in oil, vw jetta, jetta 1

i have a 2002 VW jetta 1.8 L turbo with tiptronic shifting. it shifts hard from 2nd to 3rd gear and i went down to my local autobody shop and picked up a bottle of transmission fix. i read reports on how to use it and put it in my oil. what should i do? will the engine be ok? and if you have any idea of why my car is shifting hard that would be great. btw i recently got a ne transmission in the car

Hi Jeff,

So your trans is shifting hard, you purchased a bottle of trans fix and put it in your engine? Get it out. Your engine needs oil with viscosity to protect the bearings and hydraulic fluid has NO viscosity so it will dilute the rest of the oil in your engine and could cause some serious damage.

NEW, new transmission or new, used transmission?

If used:
As far as why 2nd-3rd shift is hard could be that you need to change the trans fluid and filter. Purchase an aftermarket, inline trans fluid filter and install between output of cooler and the transmission. The instructions may be to put it on the pressure side of the trans but they do a better job on the return side.

I'd have to guess, being that it is a VW, that the reason it is shifting hard is because the fluid is in need of changing. VW transmissions have had issue with the 3rd gear drum actuator for years and is almost always caused by debris in the fluid.

If new:
Whoever installed it failed to flush the cooler and lines out properly and has contaminated the fluid with debris from the cooler or lines. Change the fluid and filter and you should be ok.

In rare cases I have seen VW's requiring the PCM to be reprogrammed. Especially after a transmission change. The PCM is still running the program for the old transmission and the new one will have different parameters to follow.

Thanks for the question, I hope this information was helpful to you.
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