Car Alarms: PLJX

I bought the PLJX from you on 1-21-10. Had problems on and off and went to see Derek Jones, at your recommendation 6-17-13. I believe he talked with Bob and it was decided that the wiring was not right. Derek was a great guy and took care of the problem. I have been problem free until a month ago, when it is doing what I wrote to you about in the past. Sometimes it will start first time, other times takes 2,3,4 times to start. Sometimes when I put the key to on, wait 30 seconds, it will start first time, other times it will not.
I have a 2000 Alero.
I also per Derek's instructions reprogrammed it. It did not help.
The directions are:

Slide white switch to position H.
Start car.
Press & hold button on rear of box.
Light will come on solid.
Keep holding until it starts blinking.
Once light is blinking release button & turn ignition to off.
Slide switch from H to center position.

No one has working on the car in this time period.

Is there a limited time that the PLJX will work?

Thank you for the help.

Car Alarms: PLJX
give to tech  
You are out of our 1 year warranty, but it's unlikely that the system
has damage. If you lost power, it will need to be reset correctly before
it will do as you ask.
This can not usually be done by yourself
but I have a pic of how it's done.

Derek has retired from this work and I have
a medical issue that prevents me to do this
sort of work any longer.

see the file attatched.

Rob Martin