Car Alarms: re-install remote starter on to another car, pontiac bonneville, interface equipment

I have a Python 1400XP remote starter on my 1997 Pontiac Bonneville.  Apx how much time and money will it take for me to have an auto shop take the starter off of the Bonneville and put it on a 2005 Buick Lesabre?  Thanks for you help

Hard to say. You should start by calling the local stereo shops to
get a decent price. (about 125.-150.)

You have a different ignition security system in the 05'.
Ths will require different interface equipment.

The PASSKEY 3 system in the 2005 Bonneville requires
the xk05 or the xk09 transponder override kit.

This "bypass kit" would run another 100.-125. on top
of the labor.

I hope this was useful.

Good luck.