Car Alarms: PS-3175 PolarStart Remote Start, blown fuses, 2006 uplander

QUESTION: When I press the unlock button on the 3175 remote I can hear clicks under the dash but the actual door unlock itself does not activate. The 3175 remote won't unlock the doors. I tried my OEM remote and the lock and unlock both work. Everything else on my PS-3175 remote works except the unlock button. No new installs of any equipment, no blown fuses (checked them all except the ones under the dash related to the 3175 remote unit - there are three according to the install manual).

ANSWER: No idea on what it is unless I have the
make, model & year of the vehicle.

But likely needs to have the locks relayed.

The WIREWERX  (handy)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 2006 uplander ls

The will require a different door lock and PASSKEY 3 bypass then
you are using. This door lock system is multiplexing, single
wire negative and would require it done correctly.

The XK06 expresskit is suggested to do this correctly.

See the payment link at
