Car Alarms: 1999 BMW E36 Serpi Star alarm problem, serpi star, bmw e36

1999 E36 1.9 Serpi Star two button remote alarm problem.
This started after the car was laid up for two months and the main car battery died. Previously 7 years, no problems.
I press the red button on the fob and the car locks and the alarm is armed all as it should. I press the grey button and it unlocks and disarms. However 20 seconds later the alarm re arms itself. (doors dont lock). I cannot get the car to stay disarmed so if i want to clean the inside i have to leave the key in the ignition. Its the only way it will stay disarmed.

A couple of things come to mind.
When powered down, the alarm brain
lost it's feature settings and programming,
and now self arms. A default setting from the
factory to monitor when the last door is
closed, & it arms itself 20-30 seconds later.

It's sounds like it's not "seeing" a door trigger telling
it that the car door is open or closed, and it's
"passively" setting itself. By default,
it automatically would go into armed/defence mode
when the power was first applied after months of
being offline.

Standard practice for most after market
systems produced before the year 2000.
This was changed to "active" arming by
many manufacturers to solve this issue.

Have a local car alarm shop inspect the door trigger
wire for a miss connection.

The other is a blown fuse on the ignition wire from
the alarm to the ignition of the car. This detects
when the key is on or off. Not a likely culprit
here however, since the key turned on, turns off
the alarm. That leads me back to the fist one.

I'd Have this evaluated so you don't have to keep doing that.

Good luck.