Car Alarms: Starter Kill engages, site search engine, pushing buttons

I recently had my heater core replaced, which was a huge job which involved removal of the dashboard.  Ever since, my remote start will not function properly - the engine will start and, after 2-3 seconds running, will shut down; then it tries again and shuts down, and of course the third time, and shuts down.  For a time, the horn was also honking while this was going on, but somehow I managed to disable that function (by pushing buttons simultaneously?  By manually locking and unlocking driver's side door? I don't even know how I did it).  I think that someone at the mechanics knocked something out of whack with respect to the after-market remote start (Autostart AS2501).  When I called them to report the problem, they replied they "don't do work on electronics" but would have a look.  I don't trust them under the dash anymore.  Is there some switch somewhere that they may have hit inadvertently?  Help!  This January cold weather is killing me!

Please go to my forum at
and in the search bar there,
type in the manufacturer of the alarm.
I believe you will find an older thread on
where to get more on this issue.

If no luck in the site search engine
you can also try asking Robert, the
forum moderator in my installers forum.


If anyone can guide you to the this info,
he's your man.

Good luck.