Car Alarms: 2003 Ford F150 Security system, ford f150, oem systems

i had a problem with my security system one day. i would try to start my truck and the alarm would just go off and the truck wouldn't start. a person came over and said he knew how to over ride the system and cut the wires from the little button below the dash and twisted the together my truck started and ran fine. after that day some times the horn would beep three times and the lights would flash as well. but today i tried to start my truck and nothing would happen like i wasn't pushing in the clutch so i took apart the switch on the clutch and it's working fine. i noticed that the led on the dash for the security system flashes about every four seconds not two even when i try to start my truck the led never changes. how can i over ride the security system?

It was an after market alarm and obviously has
reset. Ok then, no worries I think.

Locate those wires again, turn ignition on to right
before starting, press and hold the 2 wires twisted to
any metal surface until the siren chirps.
This is valet/override mode. No alarm.

At this point, either learn about the alarm
you have (might be Code because there were
many Code Alarms sold as "OEM systems in 2003)

Or , pull it, and repair or replace it with one
you know about. Makes for a better experience.

I hope this helps.