Car Alarms: Car wont start, 2003 chevy trailblazer, chevy trailblazer

I have an 2003 Chevy Trailblazer with a factory alarm and my machanic worked on the car and now it will not start. The alarm is cherpping and making noises. I have never had a alarm key since i bought the car used. I never even knew it had a alarm. How do we dis engage it?

Hmmm, might need to be evaluated by a tech to
trouble shoot the issue. Until then, to try to disarm it,
look under the dash area for a button or,
a toggle switch. When you locate it, turn on the
ignition key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE
( if this is a remote starter, the antenna on the
front window glass may also have the over ride
button inset into it.)

This stops the alarm except for the keyless
entry if installed. Once in Valet mode,
it will allow the car to start and operate
like there was no alarm at all.

The next step is if wanting to remove it,
you contact a local technician to
locate it, and affect neccesary service
for you.

That should solve the troubles.
If it's GM's PASSLOCK, then see the options

Let me know what you discover.