Car Alarms: alarm will disarm but not arm, tranmitter, alarm system

I installed an astra 7t7 alarm in my 87 monte and was working fine when i went to unarm the vehicle one day and the lcd remote would not communicate with the alarm module so i then used the secondary transmitter and it worked fine until it stopped arming and only disarming i attempted to reprogram it and tried the system reset but no luck. I noticed that when i would hold the arm button on the secondary tranmitter it would trigger the alarm. I sent the lcd remote to be replaced, has my alarm system gone bad altogether? Only been installed for 2 weeks.

Wait until the new remote comes in and is programmed to determine that.

I can't tell you if the system is bad from my chair, but unlikely
unless you damaged it some how.

Contact your seller for some input on this so you can
make an informed decision. Best idea really.