Car Alarms: Remote Start possibly draining battery?, valet mode, alarmtek

I have a remote start installed on a manual car.  Last winter, there were a few mornings that the car wouldn't start (even with the key) and I had to jump start it.  I finally took it in to a mechanic, and they said the battery checked out just fine.  They also reset the remote start system (this was not their area of expertise, but they looked at it anyway), and then I haven't had any problems until now -- a year later (although I did keep the remote start in valet mode during the summer).  I had a dead battery again this morning and noticed that there was a constant clicking sound coming from the battery.  Can the remote start be draining the battery?  The one confusing part to me is that it seems to be random -- I can go three days without driving my car and it'll start up just fine, but then sometimes overnight it'll be dead the next morning.  Any suggestions as to what this is -- is it remote start related or is it battery/mechanical related?  Thanks for any advice!

Hard to say but from your explanation, I am
going to go out on a limb and say yes, it probably is
the fault of the remote starter.

Since I can not inspect it, it seems the most likely
answer. Take it to a shop that does this kind of
work to confirm it. Then use the advice presented
to either remove/repair or replace it.

I hope this helps some.
Best to get some fresh eyes in there on this.