Car Alarms: ASTRA ALARM & REMOTE START, power locks, dash lights

I have a 97' blazer that has a remoter start & alarm. My power locks & dash lights were blinking on & off while driving & suddenly vehicle shut down. I was able to restart it by using the remote, but not the ignition. I turned alarm off & disconnected a wire, but truck refuses to turn over or even go into gear. Now that the alarm is off, I still can't get it started. Need help pls!

It seems to be in long tamper mode. Try resetting it.
Go to and try to identify
the system you have. Then download the manual
with instructions for "valet override & restting".

This should allow you to take the alarm out of the equation.

If it's the factory alarm, or a PASSLOCK issue (likely)
then GM will need to reset it.

Good luck with your hunt to determine what your
issue is here.