Car Alarms: brief delay, 2008 honda odyssey, honda odyssey

Is there a 12V relay that incorporates an adjustable delay in the range of 1
second or so?  Here's the reason I ask:

I have an after-market exterior keypad to turn off the alarm and unlock my
2008 Honda Odyssey.  I've found that the car's security system isn't capable
of receiving both signals simultaneously so it turns off the alarm but ignores
the unlock signal.  Is there some kind of a 12V relay that I can use to delay
the unlock signal?  Probably a 250ms delay ought to work.  Is there such a
thing as a relay with an adjustable delay?

Hmmm, not certain that you cans delay it. :>(
On this one, the best thing here is
to go to my installers forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project.
Good luck there.