Car Alarms: problem with car alarm, saturn sl1, starter wire

I have a 94 saturn sl1, it has an antitheft device called a command key, well recently the key used to disarm it so I can start the car works at its convenience needless to say it has left me stranded several times since the car won't start. Could you please advice me on how I could disconnect this device.

you would need to extract it at this point to disable it.
This system is no longer produced.

Start with removing the wires for the "key" device
1 by one, until all are removed. The 2 wires attached
to the starter wire off of the key switch (will
show 12 volts ONLY when cranking) should
be cut off 1 at a time, then the 2 free ends of the
starter wire should be butt connected back together.

That solves the issue for good.

Then go buy a decent remote alarm with keyless entry
and start over. This car is TOO easy to swipe! ;>)