Car Alarms: mercury mountaineer, mercury mountaineer, valet mode

QUESTION: I have a 2000 mercury mountaineer, the alarm is stuck in valet sequence/mode.  How do i fix this?

ANSWER: Should be no problem really.
It appears from your expaination, that the
car alarm is in service mode.

Ok, try this.
Put the key in the ignition, and turn forward
all the way just before cranking. Then within
5 seconds, press and hold in the valet/overide
button, found under the dash area, usually to the
left of the leg drilled into a hidden away spot,
until the installed LED (the blinking light)
in your dash area goes off, and the siren chirps twice.
(Your valet switch might be the toggle (on/off) type.
in this case, key on, flip switch in oposite direction,
key off.)

This should reset the alarm.

Just Repeat these steps to place it
back to valet mode.

That should do it.
Let me know what happens.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Not sure if I'm pressing the right button.  The LED in the dash is also a push button.  It is blinking in a different sequence then normal.  Also, there is a button underneath the dash that once pressed in it will allow the truck to start.

Ok, the one in the dash sounds like a code alarm, but the one
under the dash sounds like a standard valet switch.

Without my inspection of it personally, I hazzard to
guess that the one under the dash is the alarm valet/reset.

I would take it to a car alarm installer
to have him help you KNOW what you have
in there and how to control it.
