Car Alarms: Nissan Xterra 2002, nissan xterra 2002, nissan xterra

QUESTION: Our nissan seems to only beep and the lights flashing and the doors locking in our driveway, no where else, but now it is too constant and it is nightime and people are going to complain, can you please advice me on what to do, thankyou, Judy

ANSWER: It's likely to be an after market system.

To try to disarm it,
look under the dash area for a button or,
a toggle switch. When you locate it, turn on the
ignition key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.=VALET/OVERIDE

This stops the alarm except for the keyless
entry if installed. Once in Valet mode,
it will allow the car to start and operate
like there was no alarm at all.

The next step is to remove the alarm.
This might require a local technician to
identify it, and affect neccesary service for you.

That should solve the troubles.

Let me know what you discover.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HI thankyou, but this is not a after market system, it was a factory installed one, no alarm options, it just locks and unlocks the doors and disables the battery is someone tries to steal it. There is a panic button on also, help please

Then the people at Nissan have to inspect it again.
This system is tied into the door lock system.
That means there is no simple way to disable it.

The accident obviously disconnected the hood pin sensor and
it needs to be looked at by Nissan.

Call anothe service department to discuss this with them

I wish I had better info, but if it's the factory system
we are talking about, there is nothing I can offer
that will get it to stop.

Sorry I could not help more.
