Car Alarms: alarm is always disarmed/disabled, valet mode, resident technicians

i have an executive alarm system on my 2006 civic lx. 2 or 3 days ago i can still hear my car horn(one chirp) evrytime i lock my car meaning it is armed, i can also see that the led light is blinking meaning it is enabled/armed. However this morning when i try to lock the door i dont hear any sound and i dont see the led light blinking. i can change it though to valet mode, but as i explained i cant armed it. what seems to be the problem with my car alarm. your input is very uch appreciated. thanks!

On this one, the best thing here is
to go to my installers forum at and see if
my resident technicians there can assist
with this project. I don't know enough
on this system to advise you properly.

Good luck there.