Car Alarms: Horn honks, blinker lights flash about 40 times, door locks, car 2001

Car: 2001 Ultima GXE Limited Edition.
Car Alarm: Viper 1000

Issue: My car horn beeps and headlights flash off and on about 40 times when I open any of the doors. I am not able to stop it using either of the two supplied remote keypads. This happens anytime I open the door. Even if I am driving and quickly open and close my door, it happens. I am able to start my car while this is going off. Also, I was not able to manually control my door locks. I was only able to control them through the alarm keypad.

I took it back to the installer and he said that it was originally wired wrong because he didn't know it was a limited edition GXE. He said he wired it correctly and now I am able to manually controll the locks again through the door lock switch.

The issue with the beeping horns stopped for about a day. Then, when I went to disarm the car alarm and opened the door, the horn beep / light flashing started again and goes on for about 40 times.

This will be my 3rd trip to the installed. Please advise. Thanks.

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