Car Alarms: 1994 Concorde with aftermarket alarm that just keeps going off!, dash area, little spring

I bought a used 94 Concorde that had a car alarm with two keyless remote keychain things that the last owners had had installed.  The alarm never worked, but we were able to use the keychains to lock and unlock the car.  It is black and only has two buttons.  One locks/unlocks, the other is trunk.  Sometimes they don't work at all and you have to hold it down or just use the key.  I figured it was the batteries in the keychain.  Well, the other night we exited the car and were walking in the house when we heard a loud 'chirp' like a car alarm.  We did nothing to set it.  The next morning I came out, unlocked the car with the keychain, and the alarm started going off.  I had to go in to get the other keychain and press the button to make it stop.  But everytime I leave the car, whether I lock it or not, the alarm resets.  Now neither remote will shut the alarm off, so I can't open the door or use the car because I won't be able to shut the alarm off!  I don't even want the alarm, but I don't know how to shut it off or disarm it.  I can't remember the name of it.  I want to say Titan?  But it has a little tiny dome light in the dash area near the odometer.  Its always been a green light but now it is red or flashes red.  I hope you can help - I need my car to get to work!  Thank you!

You'll need to set off the alarm for a few seconds.
Then, look under the dash area for a button or, a toggle
switch. When you locate it, turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.

At this point. the alarm would have reset.
If this had a starter kill relay installed,
it would now be opened, and the engine would
turn over when tried.

You would repeat these steps to go back to
user mode to see if this was corrected.

But if it does work, I'd keep it this way, and
replace the alarm asap with one you know and
understand how it operates for the best overall

Let me know if it works for yours.