Car Alarms: Audiovox APS-785 ....AS works sometimes, valet mode, nissan maxima

I inherited an Audiovox APS-785 RS Security system when I bought my 2000 Nissan Maxima. Lately, the RS works sometimes and doesn't work others. When it doesn't work, the starter will engage the engine, the engine will turn, but the engine won't fire. Another minor problem is that the LED doesn't work (makes troubleshooting tougher). I've been able to find the Owner's Manual and Installation Manual easily enough, but other than this forum, haven't been able to find any good troubleshooting tips online. It seems to go in and out when I use the valet mode, but not consistently. I did just have the ECM on the car replaced at the dealer, but they wouldn't even guess whether they could have done it this time. Any suggestions very much appreciated! David

Well one thing comes to mind, and that's the module
or method used to bypass the transponder in the ignition
to allow for the remote start. If they used an
universal type bypass, (coded key in the box, then
has a wire "loop" the goes over the key cylinder
to trick the immobilizer into thinking
the key is in the ignition.) then it may need
an adjustment to find the sweet spot that allows
for remote start at all times. A shop should
take a look at this for you. Hot glue does the
job well!

If they used another method, then I would replace it
with a more up to date module that does not involve
using the spare coded ignition key.

While you are at it, get that LED replaced.
It is needed to know what the system is doing.

But that's where I would start to decipher this

Good luck.