Car Alarms: honda car alarm, alarmtek, manual override

QUESTION: I have lost the key remote to my 2000 civic LX. I changed the battery this weekend and every time I try to attach the battery, the alarm goes off. I cannot disarm the alarm. Is there a manual override I can try? I know I have done this in the past, but cannot find the override information.

ANSWER: Please tell me what you are experiencing.

I need to determine whether it's a factory alarm
issue or, if it's an aftermarket system you are
dealing with.

Is it: Headlights flashing, car horn honking
and a worded SECURITY" light in the dash flashing?
Is it: flashing parking lights,
an LED in the dash area, and a siren
"going off"?

Let me know more on this to better
advise you on a course of action.

Best Regards,

Robert Martin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is a factory alarm. One that goes off if you open doors, etc., but for a couple of years now, I have just been using the key to manually lock doors and haven't had the alarm go off. As I put the new battery in, the alarm sounds. It is in correctly. I have tried a number of manual overrrides. Turning it to on pressing it in turning it off then on then pressing in and then off and on again. I had this problem once before and I know there was a combination that worked, it was in a manual I had in the glove box - I cannot find it in the manual in there and I think the other manual is now gone. I have called many places and they are not able to help. Please advise. Thanks.
ANSWER: Nope, can't find any notes on a factory system in this car.
I think we're dealing with an aftermarket, and if
not responding to the valet over ride switch:

Turn on the ignition key,
press and hold in the button (little
spring loaded micro button, red or black possibly)
until the alarm chirps 1 time. This should over ride
the system, and only the keyless entry part,
if installed, would still be operating.
The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid.

This is normal valet.

Did you try it this way?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK, I tried what you suggested - I do not have a red or black button, though, so I just pushed in the area where you put the key in (in some positions it can be pushed in like a button (inbetween on and off position) After doing that, I got the alarm to stop, but it chirped 5 times and when I then tried to start the car, the alarm went off again. HELP! I am going crazy trying to figure this out.

The key has nothing to do with it maam.
Only think I can suggest now is to contact
a local alarm shop to come inspect and reset it.

From my perspective, since I can not see what's
what, that's my best suggestion.

Sorry I could not help more.

Good luck.