Car Alarms: car alarm 2000 Toyota Camry, toyota camry, tilt sensor

I have a 2000 Toyota Camry. I have a nice cd player and rims on my car. I also plan on putting in some new speakers so I really am looking for a nice alarm system with 2way page/remote start. I am looking to spend around $200. I have been looking at the Galaxy 5100RS-FM/5100 RS, also have looked at Audiovox and Ultrastart. Not really a fan of Viper.

The 5100 RS would be the choice here I'd think.
The "FM" version, is not necessary because the range
is outstanding in either case. Add that to the electronic Tilt sensor to detect a 5% change in angle to protect
the rims, and a transmod bypass for the ignition
immobilizer, and that would be my suggestion here.
Forget the Ultrasstart too until they make better,
longer lasting 2 way remotes. And Audiovox is fair
compared to the Galaxy's.

Not a huge fan of DEI-Viper either!

Once done, this car is completely controlled
by you.

Let me know if I can fill the order for you.