Car Alarms: Merc Sable 2000 Panic Alarm, keyless entry system, hood pins

Factory installed and original Ford equipment. Keyless entry system and key fobs (Ford OEM). Car panic alarm goes off at odd hours of day nad night for no aparent reason.

Ford hooked up their computer to the car, diagnosed the engine hood sensor defective. Replaced same and problem continues. Would very much like to shut off or disconnect this Active Alarm Sysytem installed at the factory by Ford when the car was built.

Can you help me at least disconnect the "panic alarm" so as to rule that out?

Pls. Help


The panic feature is just that, a feature, not something that can be turned off.

Factory security systems monitor door pins, trunk pins, and hood pins.  If they said the hood pin was bad, then replaced, and you still have a problem I would have to think the hood pin was not the problem in the first place.  I would have to think that one of your other pins are bad, or the brain of the GEM is bad.  The possibility of it being a bad door pin/hood pin/trunk pin, in my opinion is the more likely problem.  I would take the vehicle back to the dealer and explain that they have not yet fixed the problem you have already paid to have fixed.

To verify it is not the panic feature you described, take the batteries out of the remotes and leave them out.  The 'panic' feature is triggered only by the remotes.  An alarm trigger would be set off by the alarm thinking someone is tampering with the vehicle.