Car Alarms: car alarm, high beams, wire splice

I bought  my  daughter a 94  jeep grand cher limited  it has  a  alarm  I  cant  shut  the  damn  thing off  I killed  the  bettery  and  bought  a  new one  and  when  i hook it  up the  thing flashes  the  lights  and   inside  high beams  and  security  light  flash  the  remote  doesnt  seem  to  work  and  I cant  see  how  I would  change  battery  in it   any  help  would  be  greatly  appreciated   she  now  has  her  lic and  I am  looking  pretty  foolish  

If this is the factory alarm:
The PURPLE/YELLOW factory disarm wire
is in the harness to the drivers
door, inside the drivers kick, in a
black plug. Locate this wire splice
into it with the same guage wire,
then ground it to a solid chassis point.

This takes out the factory alarm for however
long you keep this wire grounded.

It is the only way I know of to get around
the factory alarm system in this truck.

If it's an aftermarket system,
then that's another story.

Let me know what happens.
