Car Alarms: 91 acura legend, clifford alarm system, fuse block

I have a 91 legend and it has a i think stock clifford alarm system.  i lost the remote so everytime i open the door the alarm goes off. there is a code button and i press in a code and the alarm goes off.  is there a way i can just disable the alarm.  i can not locate a valade switch anywhere to disable.  if i pull the fuse the car does not start.  please help.


No sorry Darren, without the remote, or valet switch,
you are SOL. My suggestion is to replace the system
immediately. Without some control over it, you will
not be able to disarm it properly.

Pulling fuses is not the best way either since
the wiring is not at the fuse block, and all
you are doing there is messing with the car's
functions. Leave them be please.

Nope, need to replace it now. I have some
great systems available that would do
a beautiful job in this car if interested at  See the PRECISION 200
there if looking to get a really good system
for a backyard guy to work with.

I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but
it is the dilema your current alarm has put you in.

Even simply removing the Clifford brain box
will not fix the problem. This seems to also
have starter kill relay inline,
so you have to either locate a Clifford remote
for an old unit,(good luck) or, simply spend
the same amount or less and get a whole new
system with new remotes and warranty.

That's my take on it.
I hope it helps.