Car Alarms: remote starters, remote starters, start ups


I am looking to have a remote starter professionally installed in my 2004 Malibu LS. The purpose is for basic remote start ups for heating on winter mornings. Are there big differences among different products/units for this application? Are there any drawbacks or negative effects on cars that use these remote starters?

thanks for your time

No Paul, if done right,
the benefits are all you would experience.

This car has some issues like bypassing the passlock II
imobilizor system in the steering column, and the door
locks-trunk system which should be no problem to do by
a pro. The variety of choices and features are vast,
but if looking for a basic system, try to get one
that has a good end user service department, and
a good track record. I like the 2 way paging aspects
the alarms & remote starters I sell foreinstance.
The idea of seeing the status of what the car is doing
is a very good idea. (

In anycase, nail down what you want this system to do
for you, and the price range you want to go
with. Budget this because you can get carried away!
Do not get unnecessary sensors unless you want
them, etc... Just be carefull when shopping
for the system is all I am saying.

Good luck with it.
Nice ride!