Car Alarms: Car Alarm, model ld, nissan maxima

I installed an alarm on my 97' Nissan Maxima. Everything went well except now I can't program the alarm to change a couple of the features. I got the alarm off of e-bay. It was brand new in the box. I e-mailed the guy I bought it from and got no response. My question is, "Have you ever heard of Option Group, alarm model: LD 168-6C? I can't find any information on it to try to find somekind of website of techline. Do you know where any information can be found on this company?

  I don't recognize the system you are
attempting to install here.

I stopped providing installation support
services to my competitors customers
for free awhile back. There are just
so many auction liquidators and
"product dumpers" out there online that
I don't have the time any longer to help.
Rather then guess at it, I'll defer
this back to them. It is they're
resposibility to help you on this.

Again, please try contacting him again
for assistance on his equipment or,
you can also try to find some help in
my forum pages.

Go to if
you want to post this question.
Someone there may have heard of it.

Good luck.