Car Alarms: how to take out old car alarm, ford ranger truck, alarmtek

I have a 1994 ford ranger truck . My dad purchased the truck for me about 5 years ago from a privite party . The truck came with an alarm ( I'm not sure what the name is ) you swipe a little sensoir under the steering colume and them it allowes you to turn on the car . The car came with about 5 of the little sensoirs. The problem is that I have ether lost or the senisors have failed to work . I would just like to disconnect the alarm because I can no longer start my car but I have no idea how to do this . Can you help.

Ok, you need to drop the under panel from the
steering column and locate the starter wire.

On this wire, you will find the wires that the
system you have are attatched to.
Remove the 2 wires that are on the
red/blue wire, and then put the
2 open ends of the starter wire,
back to original condition.
You can now start the truck.

Then get some real security from my store
at so that you don't get
it stolen (Murphy's law)

Have a good one.