Car Stereos: 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan cd problem, dodge grand caravan, grand caravan

My wifes 2009 Dodge Grand Carvan has my dealership stumped. She listens to books on CD. For the first yera...whnever she turned the van off...after she restarted it..the book cd would oick up where it left off. All of a now reverts back to the first chapter. Dealership has run diagnostics and cannot help. She relicated the action at the dealership after another attempt to fix it......technician is stumped. Can you suggest anything,
Thank you,
Rob Mac Elhinney

Hi Rob,

This would suggest to me that the deck is no longer receiving 12V constant power.

Many decks will work just fine with just the accessory power and the ground, as they will only use the 12V constant as a source for remembering settings when the car is off.

Get a multimeter, and test the power between the constant and the ground with the car off.  If it's 0V, then you know you have a bad/corroded wire somewhere that's breaking the connection.

If it's getting 12V, it means the deck itself has gone bad, and you'll have to consider whether you want to replace it, or just deal with it.
