Car Stereos: connect a output converter, boss system, converter kit

QUESTION: i got a 04 maxima with a boss system, trying to hook up the output converter kit so i could connect my amp and subs, put i pulled the whole dash of and the radio found a lot of wire and having a hard time finding witch ones are the speaker wires? and you help?

ANSWER: Hi Albert,

Your best bet is to go to a local car stereo shop, and looking at a harness for your car.  See where the speaker wires go in the plug, and then match it up to your car.

Typically, in a Nissan the colours are as follows (but yours *may* not be):

Left Front:
(+) Purple
(-) Green w/Yellow Stripe

Right front:
(+) Brown
(-) Brown w/White Stripe

Left Rear:
(+) Orange
(-) Black w/Pink Stripe

Right Rear:
(+) Grey
(-) Grey w/Red Stripe


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks that helped. also wonder were is the best way to get my power cable to the battery, i looked inside the hood and under the dash, doesn't look like there's a way, should i drill a whole?

Hi Albert,

That almost certainly won't be necessary.  Look around in the firewall more -- you'll likely find that there's either an unused grommet, or a grommet with some room in it.  Poke through it, and fish your power wire through there.
