Car Stereos: 1997 Diamante Sub Hook Up, mitsubishi diamante, rubber grommet

I'm looking for an ideal spot in my 1997 Mitsubishi Diamante to run the power wire through the firewall to the subs in my trunk. I'm hoping to not have to drill anything out, any pre made holes that would be usable??

Hi Nathan,

I don't know your vehicle specifically.

That said, I've never worked on a car in my life where there wasn't a whole in the firewall already I couldn't use.

Every single car has options that you don't have.  If you have a manual, automatic was an option, and vice versa.  And car chassis are usually reused across many vehicles.

With that in mind, look around in front of the driver.  You'll likely find a hole with a black rubber grommet in it.  Slice a hole in the middle of it, and run your wires through that into the cabin.

Good luck,