Car Stereos: 2002 Honda accord radio problem, antenna connections, antenna wire

QUESTION: My radio has problems sometimes the FM works but only certain stations.  Very rarily, very cloudy rainy day sometimes AM stations come in, but a lot of static.  is it the antenna?, if so how can I check the connections?
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated  Thanks

ANSWER: Dolores,  The only way to check your antenna connections is to pull the radio out and check them.  Once the radio is removed, check the connections, then try the radio.  If nothing, then you need to plug in a new antenna.  If the new antenna wire fixes the problem, then you must do a lot of work to install the new antenna wire in place of the old one.  If the new antenna wire does not work either, then the problem is probably something inside the radio, and will need to be repaired professionally.  Hope this helps, Scott

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Scott, but before i have someone pull the radio.
Do you think it is the antenna?  My CD player works.

Thanks again, Dolores

Yes, it sounds like a loose or broken antenna wire.  This would be for sure if you know it worked better before, and now it doesn't work as well.  Anyways, the only other fix requires the radio to be removed as well, and a signal booster added to the antenna wire.  Usually, a booster is only needed in very rural areas where radio stations are far away.  I can not think of any problem that may be causing your reception problems.  Good Luck, Scott