Auto Racing: how to get into racing. (dream to race in bathhurst), sarasota florida usa, nigel mansel

Hi im 15 years old and i cant stop thinking about racing its all i want to do but i have no idea about how to get into it knowone in my family does any kind of racing but i want to. any suggestions?

Good morning !!

Since you mention Bathhurst, I will assume that you're in the UK, If that's the case you're in a great place to persue motorsports.  

The first thing you need is experience and practice. Most modern day pros started on Go Karts when they were quite young, age 8 for example. You are not too old to start there, and it's very good experience. Plus the racing is very close and quite hotly contested. For more information contact the World Karting Association at  Take a cruise around their website and do a search for activities in your immediate area.

Next you need to collect information about other forms of motorsport, again I assume yo're in the UK and so you should contact the BRDC, British Racing Drivers Club at:

Finally, and the most important aspect is STAY IN SCHOOL !! Racing takes money, quite a bit actually. Gathering money reauires training and education, you'll probably not be able to afford it on labourer's wages. ( Nigel Mansel managed but it wasn't easy for him, not at all.)

Once you are done with University, find the racing shops in your area, and try to get jobs there, even part time, sweeping if necessary. Work hard, demonstrate your talent and desire, and you might just be the next Derek Bell.

Good Luck

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida USA